Home away from home

I admit it, my last few posts have been very serious and long, so I’m going to turn the tables on that a little bit. I’ve now been in Copenhagen for almost exactly two months, and what’s standing out to me is that it’s really feeling like home. When I came back from Berlin, I felt a palpable sense of relaxation and comfort getting on the S-tog, not a feeling I’m used to with public transportation. More important than how I got there though, was where I was going–my homestay.

Homework, done for the first time in my college life, at home.
Homework, done for the first time in my college life, at home.

I was not sure at first if I wanted to do a homestay in Copenhagen. After living on my own and with roommates for the last two years, the idea of going back into a family was a little bit scary. I wasn’t sure I wanted to risk losing independence, I was worried I wouldn’t get along with my family. Though I can’t say the homestay option works perfectly for everyone, I must say it’s worked out close to perfectly for me. It is a different experience going to college and maintaining a social life based out of a home instead of a dorm or apartment, but so far, it’s been an enjoyable one. There’s something incredible comforting about coming home and doing your homework next to a wood stove, and having the option of a home cooked meal every night. That being said, my host family has been incredibly understanding that some nights I might not eat with them, and as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I am very much treated like an adult.

Prospective students: Hygge is real–and if you want a great shot at finding it, take a chance on a homestay. It’s scary, but it’s worth it.

Each member of my host family is different and special, and I want to share that here, so I have begun working on a short series of pieces about each member of my house. Stay tuned.

Also, I may not have given my trip to Berlin enough attention here. Though I have written on one of the most meaningful experiences I had there, I can’t write on everything, and I’m sure you don’t want to read everything. However, I can take pictures. Here’s a selection.

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